溫馨合唱團 Van Sing Choir
每週一晚練唱 歡迎來電報名604-220-0838 Maggie
[溫哥華訊] 在此春暖花開的季節,溫馨合唱團於五月十八日晚在Michael J. Fox 劇院,伴著歡歌笑語成功地完成了2019周年音樂會《為你歌唱》的演出。
「溫馨合唱團」今年音樂會的整場晚會充滿了濃濃的愛意和溫馨,就像這暖暖的五月,合唱曲目有異域風情的《 阿拉木汗》,《半個月亮爬上來》,有臺灣歌曲 《回憶》、《馬蘭姑娘》、 《阿里山之歌》, 有懷舊的《秋蟬》, 及溫暖的《祝福》 ,《彎彎的月亮》和《為你歌唱》等。《美麗的草原我的家》是無伴奏合唱。《龍的傳人》氣勢磅礴 。
在器樂演奏方面,「大提琴獨奏」梁平先生,曾任中國國家大劇院管弦樂團的首席大提琴手,他演奏了《天鵝》及《愛的致意》兩首名曲,讓觀眾如醉如癡。「手風琴獨奏」的表演者是溫馨的團員盧平女士, 她演奏了具挑戰性的兩首曲子《羅薩舍酒莊》和《西班牙鬥牛士進行曲》,演奏引來陣陣掌聲。最值得一提的是,以鋼琴伴奏關程曦先生為首,加上卓越的小提琴手Daejin Kim 和優秀的大提琴手Kim Kistler 組成的「器樂三重奏」。他們演奏了由關程曦改編的兩首大家非常熟悉的電視劇主題曲--被譽為香港之歌的《獅子山下》和電視劇《延禧攻略》片尾曲《雪落下的聲音》。三位青年藝術家的傾情演奏把晚會推向高潮。
- 那就是人間天堂 "香格里拉"!
今年我們選唱的歌曲比較多樣化,有輕鬆活潑的拉丁情歌"鴿子",歌頌象徵勇敢、生長於阿爾卑斯山的"雪絨花" ,調子輕快、琅琅上口的 "踏雪尋梅",令人回味無窮的流行歌曲"傳奇"等等。我們的女團員還精心排練了一檔女聲合唱,演唱"含苞欲放的花"、"蘆花"及"生活是這樣美好",希望能得到大家的支持和鼓勵。
"溫馨" 的親密伙伴,男高音歌唱家朱乃軍先生,今晚除了獨唱"媽媽"及"這就是我的祖國"兩首歌曲外,還為我們領唱"雪絨花"和用意大利文領唱"纜車"。朱先生漂亮純淨的音色、情深款款的演繹,必定餘音繞樑,讓大家大飽耳福。
今年" 溫馨" 增添了一員猛將:在天津從事音樂教育、指揮三十多年,現活躍於溫哥華音樂舞台及社區音樂教育工作的呂潤祥 老師,來擔任了我團的聲樂指導及指揮。今晚,他將與女高音張孛琛 女士二重唱"我愛你中華"及"絨花"兩首曲子,他們珠聯璧合的演唱,將為演唱會添上華彩。
我們很高興的告訴大家,今晚的音樂會邀請了被譽為 - 加拿大西部音樂界傑出鋼琴協奏藝術家之一的 Karen Lee-Morlang 以及打擊樂器演奏家 Nick Apivor 為我們演出鋼琴、木琴二重奏,像這樣重量級的新組合在"溫馨"的舞台上是前所未有的。他們詼諧幽默的風格,以活潑、輕快的旋律,演繹多首中外名曲,將一再讓我們享受音樂的和諧之美。
時光荏苒,當我們慨嘆 "時間都去哪兒了" 的時候, "溫馨" 已走過22年了!離開了父親的扶持,年輕小伙子的路會走得有點艱難...回想去年此刻,我曾經說過:"要緊記孫昌 老師的教誨,要傳承老師的音樂理念..."。今天,"溫馨人" 的心始終沒變,就像我們的開場曲那樣:"不管什麼時候,不管什麼地方,我的愛為你保留;我的深情為你守候..."。一個有著專業精神的業餘歌唱團體,一群熱愛歌唱的朋友,將腳步不停地繼續前行,讓美妙動聽的歌聲到處傳揚。
感謝廣大觀眾朋友多年來對 "溫馨" 的愛護,有了你們的支持,我們前進的步伐充滿了信心和力量!
溫馨合唱團團長 譚美玲謹誌 2018年5月
「溫馨合唱團」成立於1996年3月,由已故名指揮家孫昌 先生創辦,並擔任音樂總監及指揮。1999年9月正式註冊為加拿大BC省非牟利機構。團員來自兩岸三地,是一個不具宗教及政治色彩的業餘音樂團體。「溫馨合唱團」主要演唱中國和世界各國著名的藝術歌曲、流行歌曲和民歌等。每逢週一排練的夜晚,團員們濟濟一堂,沉浸在優美的旋律中,盡情歡唱,其樂融融。
1998年 參加『海華文藝季溫哥華合唱團聯合演唱會』,並與「紐約海天鄉音合唱團」聯合公演。
1999年 參加『華韻愛心賑災演唱會』為台灣九二一地震籌款。
2000年 加拿大首演《梁山伯與祝英台》大合唱,大受歡迎,應觀眾要求,特加演一場。同年9月參加『東方之戀-梁祝專瑒文藝晚會』演出。
2001年 「溫馨合唱團」代表加拿大遠赴台北參加
2002年 2月,應中華文化中心邀請在"樂韻歌舞賀新春音樂會"演出。
2003年 演唱了《藍色多瑙河》。2004年與「愛民頓台灣大專校友會合唱團」攜手,再度演唱了圓舞曲之王約翰.史特勞斯的這支名曲。
2006年 5月遠赴香港和久享盛名的「天馬合唱團」合作演出《梁山伯與祝英台》大合唱,大獲香港樂迷的讚揚。
2007年與「愛民頓台灣大專校友會合唱團」在愛民頓聯合舉辦大型音樂會,市長Mr.Stephen Mandel 到會並致詞,盛況空前。
2008年 「溫馨合唱團」將週年音樂會的全部收入,捐獻給四川地震的賑災活動,為祖國同胞盡一份綿薄心意。
2009年 溫馨遠赴上海與「上海夕陽紅教師合唱團」聯合演出,來紀念《梁祝小提琴協奏曲》誕生五十週年。
2011年 與美國「舊金山灣區知音合唱團」互訪,分別在溫哥華與舊金山舉辦聯合音樂會,不但豐富了兩地的音樂活動,更增進了彼此的友誼。
2015年 11月參加加拿大「英才中樂團」及「英才音樂學院」主辦的『喬家大院』大型民族音樂專場演出,深獲各界好評。
2016年 「溫馨合唱團」成立二十週年,舉辦了大型慶祝活動。同年12月,「溫馨合唱團」的創辦人及總監孫昌先生不幸因病辭世。
The Van Sing Choir was founded in March
1996 by the late renowned conductor, Mr. John Sun who also served as the
choir's music director. The choir was formally registered as a non-profit
organization in September 1999. It's members originate mostly from mainland China , Taiwan
& Hong Kong. The organization is non-sectarian nor politically affiliated.
The choir's repertoire focus mainly on Chinese as well as international popular
songs, folk songs and a variety of artistic pieces. Choir members immerse
themselves in beautiful melodies in a joyous and harmonious atmosphere during
their weekly Monday evening practice.
Besides performing in an annual
concert, the Van Sing Choir makes frequent unscheduled appearances in
hospitals, Senior Homes, Rehabilitation Centres as well as various Community
Over the past twenty years, the Choir's
activities include:
1998 Joint performances with"Hai Hua Artistic
Choir of Vancouver" and the "New York Hai Tian Xiang Yin Choir".
1999 Participated in the "HuaYun AiXin"
fund raising concert for the Taiwan
9.21 earthquake.
2000 Canadian premier performance of "The
Butterfly Lovers Cantata". Then in September, was invited for a special
performance of the Cantata in the "Dongfang Zhi Lian" Cultural
Evening Gala.
2001 Van Sing Choir represented Vancouver
at " The Worldwide Overseas Chinese Choral" contest held in Taipei , Taiwan .
They came home with an honourable second place.
2003 The Choir sang "The Blue Danube "
by Johann Strauss. In 2004, the Choir performed this famous waltz again jointly
with the TUAA Choir of Edmonton.
2005 To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the
victory of the Anti-Fascist War and the War against Japanese Aggression, Van
Sing Choir performed "The Yellow River Cantata" with gusto and
passion. The performance received much acclaim.
2006 The Choir traveled to Hong
Kong on the invitation of the famous Tirana Choir to join them in
performing the "Butterfly Lovers Cantata" The concert received great
applause from the local audience.
2007 The Choir joined Edmonton 's
TUAA Choir in a concert at the Francis Winspear Centre for Music where Mr.
Stephen Mandel, mayor of Edmonton
gave the opening speech. It was another successful performance.
2008 The Choir donated its full revenue from the
annual concert to the Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund. This was to show our
humble support for the motherland.
2009 Upon an invitation from Shanghai , the Choir performed in a joint
concert to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the violin piece creation of the
"Butterfly Lovers Concerto".
2011 The Van Sing Choir and Zhi Yin Choir from the
San Francisco Bay Area got together whereby joined concerts were performed
first in Vancouver then in San Francisco . The cultural exchange enhanced
our friendship and enriched our musical experiences.
2015 Van Sing Choir participated in the
"Qiao's Grant Couryard" Concert hosted by Canada YC Chinese Orchestra
Association and Canada YC Music Academy. The performance receive favourable
2016 The Choir held a Gala Celebration to
commemorate it's 20th anniversary. In December of that year, our beloved
founder of the Van Sing Choir sadly passed away.
2017 Edmonton 's
TUAA Choir joined us in our annual concert. The concert was a special
dedication to Mr. John Sun who devoted his life to music.
The mission of the Van Sing Choir is to
promote Chinese culture, participate in community activities, engage in
charitable work, and enhance community harmony. We welcome music lovers to join
our choir to sing for our common aspirations and bring happiness & warmth
to the society.
李 璟 【溫馨合唱團指揮】
Sissi Li, Van
Sing Choir Conductor
Ms. Sissi Li, was born into a musical family. She started lessons on
the accordion at age 6. In her high school years, she attempted to compose
songs, and even had some published in national publications. Ms. Li graduated
from the Faculty of Music at Beijing
Normal University .
She studied vocal music under Mr. Cen Bing. Among her achievements was a
special award at the CCTV's(China Central television) 4th annual Youth Singer's
'Popular Music' singing competition.
Upon graduation, although Ms Li did not enter the professional music
workforce, she was actively involved in the community's cultural events. In Shanghai as well as Hubei ,
she served as community choir director & accompanist. After immigrating to Canada , she
joined Van Sing Choir, assisted in music selections, choral arrangements and
來溫哥華後,呂 先生一直參加文化藝術活動。演出過獨唱、重唱、合唱,亦擔任過溫哥華華人合唱團和東方藝術歌舞團的指揮,先後在Mount Pleasant, Sunset 和Renfrew等三個社區的歌唱班任教,為傳播中國文化做貢獻。
Lu, Van Sing Choir Conductor
Mr. Louis Lu was a member of the Tianjin Musicians Association and
council member of the Tianjin Choral Society. He graduated from Tianjin
Conservatory of Music, and had served as adjudicator of Keyboard examinations
at Tianjin Conservatory of music. In 1996, Mr Lu founded BinHai School of
Music, and served as the school's principal. In 2004, he attended the choral
conductors' workshop held in Shanghai under the
tutelage of Mr Boris Grigorevich Tevlin , conductor & educator from Russia .
While in China ,
Mr. Lu worked in Music education for over 30 years and participated in multiple
performances conducting major Nationalities Choral & instrumental
Orchestras. He has nurtured numerous professional artists, many of whom are
still active in China 's
artistic stage. After moving to Vancouver ,
Mr. Lu continued to participate in various cultural & artistic activities.
He had taken part in solo, duet and choral performances. Meantime, he also had
conducted the Vancouver Chinese Choir, and Eastern Artists Song and Dance
Troupe. Over the years, he taught vocal classes at the Mount Pleasant , Sunset as well as Renfrew
Community Centre. Mr. Lu aims to promote Chinese Culture as well as make a
contribution to the community at large.
嘉賓 朱乃軍 【男高音歌唱家】
Nigel Zhu, Tenor
Nigel Zhu, a Tenor. He had won many prizes in vocal competitions in China . After he
immigrated to Vancouver
he had taken part in many concerts, and received broad recognition for his
brilliant voice. He had acted Zhou Chong in Thunderstorm, which is an opera
based on Cao Yu's
famous tragedy; received a TV interview from Talent Television Canada and
successfully held his vocal recital. In recent years, He mainly serves in his
church choir, and at the same time, he is also singing on Commercial
嘉賓 張孛琛 【女高音歌唱家】
張孛琛,青年女高音,瀋陽音樂學院聲樂碩士,師從旅美男高音歌唱家劉捷 老師。她曾擔任民族及美聲唱法聲樂導師、華人合唱團聲樂指導。來溫哥華後一直活躍在華人藝術舞臺,多次參加溫哥華春節聯歡晚會及大型慈善晚會。她憑藉著風趣幽默、通俗易懂的教學風格,深受學生們的喜愛。
Emily Zhang, Soprano
Emily is a young soprano who graduated with a master's degree in
vocals from the Shenyang College of Music. She studied under Liu Jie, a tenor
who had spent time in the USA .
Emily was involved with tutoring in Folk and enhanced vocals. As well she
assisted in tutoring the Chinese Community Choir. After moving to Vancouver , she remains active
in the Chinese Artistic stage. She also participated in local celebrations
during the Chinese Spring Festival and major charitable performance galas. Her
teaching approach which encompassed humour and simple, easy to follow
techniques is highly appreciated by her students.simple, easy to follow
techniques is highly appreciated by her students.
嘉賓 李嘉欣 【鋼琴家】
大眾藝術音樂 "節目,多次在溫哥華藝術館、UBC大學圖書館、溫哥華歌劇院及溫哥華市圖書館舉辦各類音樂講座、獨奏音樂會而享盛名。她還在市中心東區和中國城創辦了為期三年的"音樂欣賞課堂",親自教學上課。
在 2006- 2008 年間,她在CBC 廣播電臺主持、製作的一系列節目得到好評如潮,蜚聲樂壇。她致力於創作,包含音樂欣賞、戲劇元素和多學科領域的創意表演演奏,融合各種藝術流派及表演形式,在2007-2011年間成功舉辦多場名為 " Koncert Kontinuum "音樂會。她曾經在歐洲、亞洲及北美多個地方巡迴演出,多次在大型會議及音樂節表演,並參與溫哥華國際爵士音樂節、溫哥華音樂節、世界和平論壇、世界婦女大會及溫哥華民俗音樂節的演出。
李嘉欣現擁有一個培養年輕鋼琴家的工作室,並擔任全加最大合唱團之一的溫哥華威爾士男聲合唱團的鋼琴伴奏。值得一提的是,她還是" The Lady Larks "的創建成員,一個擅長四重唱,演唱1920s至1950s年代經典老歌的團體。她現任BC省康藝社的藝術總監 ,每年都為一些因健康原因未能參加一般音樂會的長者,舉辦超過700場職業水準的音樂會。
Karen Lee-Morlang, Pianist & Vocalist
In demand as one of Western Canada 's
top collaborative pianists, Karen Lee-Morlang has been a fixture on the
Canadian musical scene for the past 15 years. An award-winning performer,
educator, producer and impresario, Karen has been lauded as "funny, brainy
and creative." After specializing in art song and chamber music for her
post-graduate degree from UBC, she then taught as a Sessional Lecturer at the
University for four years. Karen has
become particularly well-known in the communities of B.C. for championing
"art music for the masses" with dedicated passion, producing recital
and lecture series for organizations such as the Vancouver Art
Gallery , UBC Main
Library, the Vancouver Opera and the Vancouver Public Library. She founded and
taught a three-year Music Appreciation class that ran in the Downtown Eastside
and Chinatown . In 2006-2008, Karen was
thrilled to reach an even wider audience base by co-producing and guest-hosting
a number of radio programs for CBC Radio. With her interest in mixing genres
and art forms, Karen co-created a performance series called Koncert Kontinuum
(2007-2011). As a performer, Karen has played and sang in western Europe, Asia,
other parts of Canada and
the U.S.
She has been featured at events such as the Vancouver International Jazz
Festival, MusicFest Vancouver, the World Peace Forum, Women's Worlds
Conference, and the Vancouver Folk Festival and has been broadcast on CBC
Radio. In addition to regularly performing and touring with many different
singers and instrumentalists, Karen currently maintains a small studio of young
talented piano students and is the pianist for one of Canada 's
largest male choirs, The Vancouver Welsh Men's Choir. Karen is a founding member of the swingin' vintage
vocal quartet "The Lady Larks", who sing, dance and perform music of
the 1920s-1950s. Most recently, Karen was appointed Artistic Director for The
Health Arts Society in BC, which delivers over 700 professional music events
annually to audiences in health care facilities who are unable to attend public
concert venues.
嘉賓 尼克·阿 北火
尼克於1986年獲得維多利亞大學音樂學士學位,師承Sal Ferreras。在古典音樂 / 現代音樂世界裡,他曾與維多利亞交響樂團、溫哥華島交響樂團、多蘿西樂團合作,並與格萊美提名的作曲家保羅多爾登一起錄製音樂。作為爵士音樂家,他曾與 N.O.W. 樂團、伍茲、含羞草和其他許多團體一起演出。尼克參與了超過35個音樂劇院製作,其中包括溫哥華劇院2008年製作的The Drowsy Chaperone,以及他們在加拿大渥太華國家藝術中心舉辦的2009年加拿大巡迴演出。
在過去的20年裡,尼克一直沉浸在各種拉丁音樂風格中,並與被朱諾音樂獎提名的Rumba Calzada,Ache Brazil, The World Jive Big Band, John Gilliat
Group等等一起表演和錄製。他還與加拿大薩克斯演奏家Kenny G.、著名歌手Petula Clark、喜劇演員Don Rickles、波斯歌手Dariush和香港流行音樂歌手譚詠麟等合作演出。
Nick Apivor, Percussionist
Percussionist Nick Apivor received his Bachelor of Music degree from
the University of
Victoria in 1986,
studying with Sal Ferreras. In the Classical/New MusicWorld he has played with
the Victoria Symphony, Vancouver Island Symphony, The Drosera Ensemble, and
recorded with Grammy nominated composer, Paul Dolden. As a Jazz Vibraphonist,
he has performed with the N.O.W. Orchestra, Out of the Woods, Mimosa and many
other groups. Nick has played in over 35 music Theatre Productions, including
The Vancouver Playhouse's 2008 production of The Drowsy Chaperone and their
successful 2009 Canadian Tour of this show which ran at the National Arts
Centre in Ottawa .
For the past 20 years, Nick has immersed himself in a variety of Latin Musical
Styles, performing and recording with Juno-Nominated Rumba Calzada,Ache Brazil ,
The World Jive Big Band, John Gilliat Group, and many others. He has also
performed with the Canadian Tenors,Saxophonist Kenny G, Legendary Singer Petula
Clark, Comedian Don Rickles, the Great Persian Vocalist Dariush as well as Hong Kong 's legendary Canto-pop singer Alan Tam Wing-Lun
and his band, The Wynners. In the Lower
Mainland, Nick also enjoys sharing his music with local audiences of many
different ages and communities: regular school shows for kids with his
interactive multimedia trio, Digital Guise; and for Health Arts Society, which
provides professional music performances to people in retirement residences and
long-term care homes.
關程曦 【溫馨合唱團鋼琴伴奏】
關程曦自幼追隨 Dr.
Anna Levy 等多位名師學習鋼琴,持有皇家音樂學院的ARCT鋼琴表演級和卑詩音樂學校高級表演的專業證書。他畢業於卑詩大學音樂學院,主修鋼琴。在成功演出畢業音樂會" Music Life 2013 " 之後,成為溫哥華華人社團裏最活躍的音樂家之一。與他合作過的亞洲音樂名人有:動力火車、周蕙、張崇基、張崇德、吳國敬、鄧建明、雷安娜、呂珊、區瑞強和女高音歌唱家閆瑾等。
在本地,他曾與名作曲家及音樂總監袁卓繁 先生,以及音樂總監鍾肇峰 先生合作。他曾擔任過的音樂總監有:溫哥華中國電影節、超級女聲加拿大總決賽、平安、金池和劉鳳屏音樂
會。2016年,他得到了星島日報 33週年傑出青年獎,並演奏他的原創作品 "金蘭花",同台演出的有二胡演奏家李歌和謝建德指揮的溫哥華大都會交響樂團。除了音樂創作與作詞、作曲等愛好之外,閒暇時他也 教授音樂。2008年起,關程曦擔任溫馨合唱團的鋼琴伴奏。
Herbert Kwan, Van Sing Choir Piano
Herbert Kwan has been
studying piano under the tutelage of various pristine instructors including Dr.
Anna Levy. His professional certifications as of now comprise of a Performer's
ARCT Diploma from the Royal Conservatory of Music as well as an Advanced Performance
Degree from the British Columbia Conservatory of Music. He graduated from University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of
Music Majoring Piano under the tutelage of Dr. Terence Dawson. With his success of his graduation concert
Music Life 2013, he has become one of Vancouver 's
most active musicians among the Chinese community. Other than performing with
Asian Singers such as: Power Station , Where Chou, Peter and Andrew Cheung,
Eddy Ng , Joey Tang , Annabelle Louie , Rosanne Liu , Albert Au and Soprano
Singer Jessica Yan .
Locally, he had worked with famous composer and music director Mr.
Richard Yuen , as well as with Mr. Dominic Chung while being the Associate
Music Director. Recently he had taken on the role of Concert Music Director for
Anson Ping, Ada Chin, and Pancy Lau , as well as the Vancouver Chinese Film
Festival, and Super Girl Singing Competition Canada Final Round. In 2016, he
was the award recipient of the 33rd Sing Tao Daily Young Professional Merit
Award, as a result, he performed his original piece "Gold Orchid "
with 2 previous years award recipient, including Erhu Player Nicole Li and
Maestro Kenneth Hsieh together with the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra. Since
the year of 2008, Herbert became a piano accompanist for the Van Sing Choir.
盧詠基 【溫馨合唱團鋼琴伴奏】
Angel 五歲開始學習鋼琴,中學時師從黃明憲老師學習琴藝。她在英國皇家音樂學院考試中,屢獲高級優異成績。來溫哥華後,在 Clef Society Music Festival ARCT 鋼琴演奏中,榮獲 Haydn 組及 Schubert 組的第二名及 Chopin 系列冠軍及獎學金。其後隨UBC
管風琴教授 Dr
Edward Norman,及鋼琴教授 Dr.Terrence Dawson 學習琴藝。
她曾在溫哥華與音樂友人共同開設專業鋼琴學校,學生參加英國 ABRSM 及加拿大RCM 分級試,脫穎而出,贏取獎學金。
Lo, Van Sing Choir Piano Accompanist
Angel has loved music since she was young. She took her first piano
lessons at the age of five. During her high school years at Ying Wa Girls'
School, she studied with Ms. Katherine M H Huang. Angel eventually scored top
marks at the ABRSM Examinations & ranked top in music festivals. Upon
arriving in Vancouver ,
she participated in the Clef Society Music Festival ARCT performance
competition, and scored second places in Haydn and Schubert classes, as well as
first place with a scholarship at the Chopin Class. Her post secondary studies
included taking up the pipe organ under Dr. Edward Norman, and piano under Dr.
Terrence Dawson of UBC.
At one point, Angel was the co-operator of a piano school in Richmond , BC .
Some of her students achieved very good results as well as scholarships in the
examinations organized by the ABRSM of England and the RCM in Canada .
Angel began the next phase
of her music education career at the International Christian Quality Music
Secondary and Primary School in Hong Kong .
Here, she was delighted to find a school incorporating music education into its
curricula. Concurrently, she taught international students at the Baron School
of Music operated by the famous songs and lyrics writer Ronald Ng. During her
decade of teaching in HK, Angel gained
an enriched experience in music education. She had a broad base of
students that ranged from early childhood to adults. At one time she had up to
sixty students per week.
After getting married and returning to Vancouver , Angel continued to take on piano
students. At the same time she is a pianist at a local church, contributing
during choir practices and worships. To expand her horizon in education for the
younger generation, she recently joined the Etiquette and Music
School run by the renowned educator
Ms. Winnie Ko in Richmond .
Since 2016, she joined the Van Sing Choir as its piano accompanist.
節 目 表
舞台監督:戴嘉苓、劉 玲 司 儀:王躍英
(一) 合唱 溫馨合唱團
1. 我的深情為你守候 陳道斌詞 欒 凱曲 陳國權編合唱
2. 雪絨花 ( 電影「音樂之聲」選曲 ) 領唱:朱乃軍 哈默斯坦詞 羅杰斯曲
3. 鴿子 ( 西班牙歌曲 ) 伊拉迪爾詞曲
趙金平譯詞非一配詞 孫 昌編合唱
4. 纜車 ( 意大利歌曲 ) 領唱:朱乃軍 圖爾科詞 丹 查曲 張民權、鄭裕鋒編合唱
指 揮:李 璟
(二) 二重唱 男高音
: 呂潤祥
女高音 : 張孛琛
1. 我愛你中華 蘇阿芒詞 敖昌群曲
2. 絨花 ( 電影《小花》主題曲 ) 劉國富、田 農詞 王
鋼琴伴奏: 關程曦
(三) 二重奏 鋼琴
: 李嘉欣
木琴 : 尼克·阿北火
1. 藝人 (美國歌曲 ) 史考特·喬普林作曲
2. 夜與日 (美國歌曲 ) 科爾·波特作曲
3. 深情地吻我吧 (墨西哥歌曲 ) 蘇埃洛·委拉斯開茲作曲
4. 馬拉古埃那 (古巴歌曲 ) 埃內斯托·萊庫納作曲
~~~~~ 中 場 休 息 ~~~~~
(四) 女聲合唱 溫馨合唱團
1. 含苞欲放的花 ( 阿爾巴尼亞民歌 ) 雷隆盛譯詞
2. 蘆花 ( 舞蹈音樂劇《一個士兵的日記》選曲 ) 賀久東詞 印 青曲 馬 浩改編
3. 生活是這樣美好 ( 電影《海外赤子》選曲 ) 鄭秋風曲 瞿 琮詞 劉孝揚編合唱
指 揮:呂潤祥
(五) 獨唱 男高音:朱乃軍
1. 媽媽
( 意大利歌曲 ) 比希奧·凱魯比尼詞 安德烈·比奇奧曲
2. 這就是我的祖國
椿詞 陳述劉曲
(六) 二重奏 鋼琴
: 李嘉欣
木琴 : 尼克·阿北火
1. 楓葉拉格 (美國歌曲 ) 史考特·喬普林作曲
2. 月亮代表我的心 孫 儀詞 翁清溪曲
3. 鋼琴前奏曲第一號 (美國歌曲 ) 喬治·蓋希文作曲
4. 我得到節奏了 (美國歌曲 ) 喬治·蓋希文作曲
(七) 合唱 溫馨合唱團
1. 時間都去哪兒了 董冬冬曲
陳 曦詞
2. 踏雪尋梅 劉雪庵詞 黃
自曲 黃友棣編合唱
3. 傳奇 劉 兵詞 李
健曲 海燕改編合唱
4. 香格里拉 黃志龍詞 邊
洛曲 田 地編配
指 揮:李 璟
~~~~~ 晚 安 ~~~~~
Directors: Jennifer Dai, Ling Liu
Master of Ceremony: Lynda Wang
Chorus Van Sing Choir
My Deep Affection Abides by You Lyrics by Chen Daobin, Music by Luan
arrangement by Chen Guoquan
Edelweiss (from the film "The Sound
of Music") Lyrics
by Oscar Hammerstein
Singer : Nigel Zhu Music by Richard Rodgers
3. La Paloma (Spanish Song) Lyrics
& Music by Sebastian Iradier, Translation by Zhao Jinping,
by Fei Yi, Choral arrangement by John Sun
Funiculi Funicula (Italian song) Lyrics
by Peppino Turco, Music by Luigi Denza
Singer : Nigel Zhu Choral arrangement by Zhang Minquan &
Zheng Yufeng
Sissi Li
Accompanists: Angel Lo, Herbert Kwan
Duet Tenor : Louis Lu, Soprano : Emily
1. I
Love You, China ! Lyrics by Su Amang,
Music by Ao Changqun
Red Kapok Flowers Lyrics
by Liu Guofu & Tian Nong,
song of the film "Little Flower") Music by Wang Ming
Accompanist: Herbert Kwan
Duet Pianist & Vocalist : Karen
Lee-Morlang, Marimbist : Nick Apivor
The Entertainer (American song) by Scott Joplin
Night and Day (American song) by Cole
Besame Mucho (Mexican song) by
Consuelo Velazquez
Malaguena (Cuban song) by
Ernesto Lecuona
~~~~~ Intermission
Women Ensemble Van Sing Choir
Buds Come into Blossom (Albania
song) Translated by Lei Longsheng,
by Zhong Limin
Reed Flowers (from the Musical "A
Soldier's Diary ") Lyrics by He Jiudong, Music by Yin Qing,
arrangement by Ma Hao
Life Is So Beautiful (from the film
"Youth from Overseas" )
Lyrics by Qu Zong,
arrangement by Liu Xiaoyang
Louis Lu
Accompanists: Angel Lo, Herbert Kwan
V. Solo
Tenor : Nigel Zhu
Mama (Italian song) Lyrics
by Bixio Cherubini,Music by Cesare Andrea Bixio
This Is My Homeland Lyrics
by Lu Yongchun, Music by Chen Shuliu
Accompanist: Herbert Kwan
Duet Pianist & Vocalist: Karen
Lee-Morlang, Marimbist : Nick Apivor
The Maple Leaf Rag (American song) by Scott Joplin
The Moon Represents My Heart Lyrics by Sun Yi, Music by
Weng Qingxi
Prelude for Piano No. 1 (American song)
by George Gershwin
4. I
Got Rhythm (American song) By George
VII. Chorus Van Sing Choir
Where Has all The Time Gone? Lyrics by Chen Xi, Music by Dong
Treading the Snow Looking for Plum blossom Lyrics by Liu Xuean, Music by Huang Zi,
arrangement by Huang Youdi
Legend Lyrics by Liu Bing, Music by Li Jian,
Choral arrangement by Hai Yan
Shangri-La Lyrics by Huang Zhilong, Music by Bian
Luo, Adaptd by Tian Di
Sissi Li
accompanists: Herbert Kwan, Angel Lo
~~~~~ Good
Night ~~~~~
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